Saturday, August 10, 2013

15 weight loss healthy foods to burn belly fat quickly

 Fat burning vegetables:


Garlic is a terrific food that adds flavor to your cooking and is a confirmed fat burner. Alicin in garlic does an excellent job in helping to flush fat from the body and also suppress the appetite and aid in weight loss. Garlic also helps to regulate insulin and it is also known as an antioxidant.


Ginger increases metabolism, expands the blood vessels, and stimulates circulation. Ginger has been used for centuries as a spice, food, and medicine. It helps digestion and stimulates metabolism, which results to intensify calorie burning. Ginger is a natural ingredient in many "fat-burning" supplements and diet.

Hot Peppers

Hot peppers have a flavorless compound termed capsaicin. This compound limits appetite and stimulates metabolism slightly, but just for a short time. This compound has a significant impact on weight loss. It is more abundant in spicy habaneros. Jalapenos or Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which speeds up the metabolism, heart rate and cuts down "bad" fat in the arteries.


Adding broccoli to your diet can help you lose weight because it is a low-calorie food that can help fill your tummy quickly. Just one cup of steamed broccoli gives you about twice the amount of vitamins K and C you need in a day. It also is a very good source of vitamin B2 and B6, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, fatty acids and omega-3.


Asparagus is another excellent food which burns fat. Asparagus has the chemical named asparagine, and it is an alkaloid which directly influences the cells and burn fat. Asparagus also contains a chemical compound that helps remove waste from the body, which in turn helps reduce fat level.

 Fat burning fruits:


Citrus foods contain vitamin C which helps to liquefy fat and gets rid of it from the body faster. Not only rich in Fiber, the high vitamin C in the oranges is conducive to fat burning. Vitamin C helps the production of Carnitine in the body which oxidizes or breaks down fatty acids.


Lemons are excellent liver detoxifiers, and also alkalize our body. They might seem acidic based on taste however in the process of being metabolized by the body; lemons in fact alkalize the bodily fluids and tissues. Maintaining the health of the liver is also crucial to the body’s ability to burn fat and digest food, as the liver is one of the organs in charge of these functions.


Avocado is loaded with healthy Omega 9 fatty acids the same fats found in olives, olive oil, and macadamia nuts. Avocados speed the transformation of fat into energy and helps boost the rate of metabolism.


Numerous studies support that grapefruit is a great weight loss food. A study at Johns Hopkins University confirmed that women who eat grapefruit daily can reduce almost 20 pounds on an average in only 13 weeks, without altering anything else in their lifestyle or diet.


Tomatoes are filled with vitamin C and the phytochemical lycopene. They stimulate the production of amino acid called as carnitine. Research has revealed that carnitine helps speed up body’s fat-burning ability by one third. Tomatoes fight certain types of cancer and also help lower blood pressure. You will reap health benefits if you can add tomato sauce or tomatoes to your diet.

Other fat burning foods:


Eggs contain great levels of vitamin B12 which facilitates the body to break down fat and to stimulate metabolism. Egg whites are another excellent food which burns fat. They contain protein which is a tremendous source of energy; this allows the body to burn calories and fat while building muscle. An additional health benefit of egg whites is that they are very low in calories which help you to reach your weight loss goals.


Salmon contains Omega 3 fatty acids and this can alter leptin. This is a hormone in the body connected with higher caloric burn.

Turkey is considered as a fine alternative to chicken as it is higher in nutrients and proteins and lower in calories. 5 ounces of turkey contains only 10 grams of fat and
175 calories.

Chicken breast

Chicken breast without the skin has a high protein content, carbohydrate content and very low fat. The protein helps to build muscle. Chicken breast also contains vitamin B, this helps to metabolize food. Chicken breast is one of the effective fat-burning foods you could eat. Having a chicken breast without skin and bone is consuming the leanest meat – which is good for optimal fat burning. Always ensure the chicken is very lean with minimal fat and make them the first option when you purchase chicken.


Oatmeal is an easy-to-cook, great food that burns fat, although it's vital to pay attention to packages to see if there is high sugar content in it. It works well as a fat-burning food because it contains soluble and insoluble fiber. Any food that is rich in soluble fiber will typically improve weight reduction.

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