Friday, July 26, 2013

Amazing eye make up

1. Always begin with a clean slate. Wash your face with a mild cleanser before you start, pay particular interest to your leftover eyeliner or mascara. To get rid of residual eye makeup, use a regular lotion or cleansing milk on a cotton swab or just cold water. For dry skin around the eyes rub a few drop of moisturizer underneath your eyes and between the outer corners of the eyes and the temples. Never apply moisturizer on your eyelids because this will only make them greasy, and the eye makeup you apply will get ruined.

2. Apply Concealer to your eyes: Concealer can hide under-eye circles or the slight discoloration under your inner eye. To conceal dark circles under the eye, apply three drops of concealer under each eye. Start with the inner corner where skin likely to be darkest, and then apply under the pupil and on the outer edge. Pat until the concealer fades away.

3. Use eye base on your lid: Eye base is the main factor to keeping your eye shadow in place for long hours. First prime your eye lid properly this will prevent your eye shadow to become a greasy line.

4. Apply eye shadow: It's good to make use of a three-toned shadow and apply from lids to brow. Start with a colour that almost matches your eye lid. Brush the shadow across your lid and up to the brow bone. Go along with a medium colour across the lid only. Apply a darker colour in the crease. Blend the eye shadow well.

5. Next apply eyeliner: You can use an eyeliner pencil, liquid eyeliner, or a wet eyeshadow on a slanted brush to line your eyes. Dark eye shadows serve excellent as eyeliners. In a dark eye shadow dip a slanted brush after making it wet, apply eyeliner to the eyes as close to the upper lashes as possible and start from the inner corner of the lashes to the outer corner. Follow with eyeliner on bottom eyes, but apply the line only from the middle of the eye out and then smudge the bottom line of the eye with a cotton bud because you do not want a prominent line. For a smoky eye look, take a brush and pat the dark eye shadow along the upper eye lid and below the eye lid.

6. Apply highlighter to Brighten your eyes: This step includes only the inside area of the eye.  Dab a finger into a light colour eyeshadow and press it into the inner edge of your eye where the upper eye lid meets the bottom eye lid. This will significantly brighten your eyes

7. Highlight your eyebrow: Make use of the same highlighter. Dab the highlighter on the brow bone, focusing on your mid-brow outward. Use your finger.

8. Curl lashes: An eyelash curler can make your lashes look stunning. Grip your upper lashes with an eyelash curler and grasp the clamp for a couple of seconds. For extra effect, you can also heat the curler for a few seconds under a blow dryer. Check the heat on the curler before applying on your lashes. Don’t burn yourself. You can access your lashes easily when you half-close your eyes. Keep in mind to always curl your lashes before applying mascara and never after.

9. Apply mascara: You can apply mascara a little or a lot. Start applying mascara at the base of your upper lashes and gently sweep in an upward direction. For a dramatic look, apply on the lower lashes too. For applying multiple coats always do it as the first coats of mascara are still wet.  If you apply a new coat to dry mascara it will only result in clumps.

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